
What is a “Noble Grape Variety?”

Posted by Peter Koff MW on 29th Aug 2018

What is a “Noble Grape Variety?” Are all the others ignoble?Depending on where you get your information, there are numerous opinions as to what the noble grape varieties are. The simplest rates Cha … read more

​Minerally white wine from where?

Posted by Peter Koff MW on 22nd Aug 2018

Minerally white wine from where?As you know by now, I am an unashamed, unapologetic lover of minerally, focused, racy super crisp, essentially unoaked white wines. My go-to wines are all too often C … read more

​Delicious Wine? What is it?

Posted by Jay Lee and edited by Peter Koff MW on 22nd Aug 2018

Delicious Wine? What is it? Shouldn’t all wine be delicious?Delicious wine, please.” This is one of the most frustrating requests to salespeople in stores and sommeliers in restaurants. It is … read more

Is sweet wine cheap and nasty?

Posted by Jay Lee on 17th Aug 2018

Is sweet wine cheap and nasty?Want to taste fine sweet wine?Click on the bottle below.Selected by Peter Koff MW.Want to receive complimentary educational posts via email?Please subscribe below. … read more