
Does the bottle hint at the price of the wine?

Posted by Peter Koff MW on 31st Jan 2023

There was a time when looking at a bottle of wine gave strong indications of its quality. The appearance of the bottle, the label, the foil and the closure, were indicative of the quality or at lea … read more

Top 4 Best Costco Wines

Posted by Jay Lee & Peter Koff MW on 25th Jul 2019

Top 4 Best Costco Wines Want to receive complimentary educational posts via email? Please subscribe below.                     & … read more

Alcohol content in wine; is it important?

Posted by Peter Koff MW on 22nd Jun 2019

Some people are quite sensitive to alcohol levels. It is difficult to assess alcohol content by tasting or smelling. The perception of alcohol is often more about style and balance than absolute al … read more