How long can I keep my open bottle of wine?

Posted by Peter Koff MW on 5th Nov 2018

When we open a bottle of wine, should you finish the bottle? Ideally yes, because an opened wine begins to oxidize and lose its fruit. But if you don't finish the bottle, how do you keep the wine, minimizing oxidation and preserving fruit and freshness? How long will the wine will keep?

Store opened wine in a cool place. You can put white and red wine in the refrigerator, particularly if it's warm. Generally the wine will keep for 1-3 days on average but actual duration depends on a few factors; the quantity of wine left in the bottle and the age of the wine being two important considerations. For example, if you consumed a glass of wine from a young bottle, it may be kept for several days or even longer after being closed. It's because the bottle doesn't contain much oxygen in it and so, the wine left inside the bottle usually does not oxidize rapidly.

However, if you drank most of the wine, leaving only a small quantity, the wine oxidizes much more rapidly, irrespective of how well you sealed it and may not last even a full day.

Furthermore, an old bottle usually oxidizes even faster; a very old bottle may be oxidized in as little as 30 minutes.

If you wish to reseal a bottle, please keep in mind that the smaller the quantity the less time it will keep.


Want to try a special red wine that will keep for a longer period of time?

Click on the bottle below.

Selected by Peter Koff MW


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