Can we drink wine made in a cement tank?

Posted by Jay Lee and edited by Peter Koff MW on 13th Aug 2018

Can we drink wine made in a cement tank?

ine is made and aged in many containers such as stainless steel and wooden barrels.

Wine undergoes bottle aging too, both at the winery and in the cellar.

Some wines are made and aged in cement or concrete tanks.

Those relatively new to wine might at first be surprised at this fact. Is concrete sufficiently sanitary for contact with food?

Concrete tanks fell out of favor some years ago but it transpires that quality concrete tanks of the correct dimensions are excellent containers for making wine. It is sanitary and actually more expensive to make wine in concrete tanks as it requires more work, so they are generally used for premium wines. Winemakers love to show off their “new” concrete tanks.

One of the reasons for the interest in using concrete tanks is temperature control when the tanks have the correct dimensions. Today, many winemakers are using a recent innovation; oval shaped concrete tanks, called concrete eggs. They are really expensive!

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